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[LeetCode] 947 | Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column | Python 본문
[LeetCode] 947 | Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column | Python
yun_s 2022. 11. 14. 09:47728x90
문제 링크: https://leetcode.com/problems/most-stones-removed-with-same-row-or-column/
On a 2D plane, we place n stones at some integer coordinate points. Each coordinate point may have at most one stone.
A stone can be removed if it shares either the same row or the same column as another stone that has not been removed.
Given an array stones of length n where stones[i] = [xi, yi] represents the location of the ith stone, return the largest possible number of stones that can be removed.
- 1 <= stones.length <= 1000
- 0 <= $x_i, y_i$ <= $10^4$
- No two stones are at the same coordinate point.
내 풀이
같은 행이나 열에 있는 돌들의 뜻은 코딩테스트에 종종 나오는 islands(섬)의 개념이 된다.
아래 그림처럼 섬 하나에 대해서는 돌을 하나만 남기고 다 지울 수 있게 된다.
따라서 지울 수 있는 돌의 갯수는, [전체 돌의 수 - 섬의 수]가 된다.
class Solution:
def removeStones(self, stones: List[List[int]]) -> int:
def dfs(x, y):
to_visit.remove((x, y))
for j in rows[x]:
if (x, j) in to_visit:
dfs(x, j)
for i in cols[y]:
if (i, y) in to_visit:
dfs(i, y)
to_visit = {(i, j) for i, j in stones}
islands = 0
rows, cols = defaultdict(list), defaultdict(list)
for x, y in stones:
for x, y in stones:
if (x, y) in to_visit:
dfs(x, y)
islands += 1
return len(stones) - islands
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